Oscar on HIS bicycle  !

His balance bike was not enough. Oscar has been asking for a bike "with pedals like Mummy and Daddy" for months and he got one for Christmas. Red, like he asked to Santas's elves (actually a second hand Cnoc 14 Islabike with barely a scratch we drove 3 hours to get). Unfortunately, his legs were a few centimetres too short. He kept asking if his legs were long enough every single week. In February, 1 month before his third birthday, we gave it another try and he could just about reach the ground with the tip of his toes... We walked to a park nearby, sat him on the saddle and gave him a good push... And as expected he fell down. But he was keen to try again and before an hour - and a few more falls - he understood the direction that the pedals are supposed to rotate. And off he went, with Dad running behind to stop him at every crossing.

On day 2, we strapped his little bike on the back of his trailer and set off to the long cycle lane between Cambridge and St Yves. We stopped for a picnic break in the lovely village of Swavesey and started cycling back to Cambridge, but this time with an extra pair of wheels on the tarmac. Not only did he manage really well, but he did so for 6 km before being too tired to continue and dozing off for a nap in his trailer. When he woke up 1 hour later, we were back in Cambridge, and he immediately asked to get on his bike again. So we cycled back home with him for the last 4 km, first though a park, then on quiet roads. 10 km in total !!! 

Since then, he has been progressing very fast, 6 weeks later he is now able to start pedalling by himself, to brake and control his speed (most of the time, but Dad is never very far) and more recently he started standing up before bumps and potholes. He is definitely a fast learner, but he has been spending a lot of time on our bikes and in his trailer since he is 5 months old.

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