Why we cycle as a family

We had planned a long cycle trip around the world, well part of the world since we wanted to start in France and cycle to South Est Asia, via central Asia. This was Our Dream and we were so thrilled to imagine the Three of us together exploring such fantastic places and meeting extraordinary people. Unfortunately, like so many people, our plan has been crushed by the major health crisis. It was not an easy decision, it took some time to accept it but it was probably the best decision at that time. However, we hope to be on the road for a long Journey in few years time with Oscar on his bike and not in the trailer. And maybe this one will be bigger and really 'around the world'?

In the meantime, we will do our best to enjoy smaller trips. 

Cycling altogether really saved us during the different lockdowns. There has been a sense of freedom despite the restrictions. We are lucky to live in the UK where the distance for exercising outside with your household was not restricted. I must say that winter was not the funniest season with closed pubs and so nowhere to get warm during breaks. Nevertheless, we bought a snow suit and boots for Oscar to keep him warm in the trailer and we braved the cold!

What is great when you cycle long distances during weekends and holidays (and why you should try ;) ):

  • You explore, I mean really explore, the paths / cities / towns / villages / nature .. you go through. 
  • It is environmentally friendly. 
  • You get to exercise while having fun and then can stop in nice pubs / cafés , and eat/ drink what you fancy without hesitation!
  • You meet lovely and curious people that ask you where you go, where you come from, and sometimes truly beautiful people that offer you hot drinks and cakes while it is pouring with rain!
  • You learn how to adapt yourself to unexpected situations (weather forecast, ...). 
  • It is cheaper (well when you are already equipped..!)

I am sure we could add more to the list above, and since we discovered this means of travelling, it is difficult to imagine ourselves on a different journey.

We often combine our trips with trains and this is great, we love trains. You can relax, observe the landscape, meet people, and again it is environmentally friendly. The journey is really part of the adventure when we go somewhere. 

From the point of view of our little one, we think it is a great way to explore the world with Mummy and daddy. So far he has been in his trailer We have (Tout terrain single trailer) during our long cycling days. Some people might think 'oh but isn't he bored? it is long for him without moving'. Actually we think that Oscar is living his best life in his trailer on the road with us. Well, we hope. When he is in his trailer, our very energetic little boy becomes so calm, soothed by the rhythm of pedalling. There are plenty of things to do in the trailer: observing, singing, speaking, reading, collecting flowers through mummy and daddy, playing with his baby doll, napping... We obviously try to choose appropriate and fun break locations so Oscar has got a nice playground or park to run and play. We just bought a follow me since Oscar is very keen to ride his bike and I am sure that Oscar will enjoy this a lot.

On top of cycling for fun and adventure, it is our main means of commuting and thus we are on our bike everyday for work, shopping, etc..



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